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Members will be distressed to hear of the untimely death of Sylvia Hyson while taking part in our production at the Minack Cliffside Theatre in August [1983].

Sylvia first played here in the studio production of A Mad World My Masters and went on to give memorable performances in, among many others, The White Devil, Bonjour là Bonjour, and most movingly as Hermione in The Winter’s Tale. She was an actress who was dedicated to the giving of her best in the theatre, but at the same time she was always concerned with the team effort. Her many acts of kindness to those she worked with will always be remembered and it is typical of her that when ill during the re-rehearsal of Sir Gawain and The Green Knight her first thoughts were for the company.

She came to Cornwall, and her final act was to play Morgan the Fay at the dress rehearsal with great power and spirit. The company held a celebration for her life in the theatre, on the Minack stage, at which her family were present. Our thoughts are with them at this time.

AC (November 1983)

1978 A Mad World My Masters
1979 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's
1979 Portrait of a Madonna
1980 Medea
1980 The White Devil
1981 The Winter's Tale
1982 Bonjour La, Bonjour
1983 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight